
There are many different types of sake cups, such as gugunomi, ochoko, and sakazuki.
I think they are generally differentiated by their shape. An ochoko is a long, vertical shape. The word “boar’s mouth” is written as “boar’s mouth,” so it must be a long one. Sakazuki are flat and not thick. Other than that, I use guginomi.
The materials used for sake cups include pottery, porcelain, glass, tin and copper metal, and lacquerware. They are suitable for different sake temperatures. Glass is no good for kan-zake, heating sake because it will break. Metal is also not suitable for heating sake because it conducts heat. Ceramic and shikki, lacquerware can be used for both cold and hot sake. Of course, with glass, you can see the clarity and color, like nigori-zake, muddy sake.
There is also a difference when drinking.
Regardless of the difference due to size, the sakazuki is the only style of drinking with the mouth between the thumb and forefinger holding it. The sakazuki is a fashionable way to drink while admiring the moon reflected on the surface of the sake. Well, I don’t think anyone would do that.
Guginomi and ochoko are different in size and position for holding and drinking. Unlike the sakazuki, you can drink from your thumb. It is the boar’s mouth that will allow you to enjoy the aroma of sake.
I think the charm of sake is that you can choose and enjoy it while considering these things, your mood of the day, the brand of sake, and the taste of the sake.
For my personal taste, sake in a wine glass is not quite the same as sake in a glass. It may be suitable for drinking cold sake while enjoying its aroma, but I would like to enjoy sake in a casual way, so I don’t think a wine glass is the right choice.
In any case, of course, you can drink sake as you like in your favorite sake cup.
